This form has 6 steps. The form will be sent to All files (sketches) have to be uploaded in a .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg or .png format. Please review the form before submitting.
References [group s1_SKETCH_NO]
End User
Right Hand UnitLeft Hand Unit IndoorOutdoor
Fold Down SeatSide Access Ramp
Columns with Sole PlateColumns in the GroundEnd User makes the Columns
7035Custom [group s3_RAL_LIFT]Custom Number Choice [/group]
7035Custom [group s3_RAL_COLUMNS]Custom Number Choice [/group]
—Please choose an option—1000x800 (std.)1000x7501000x7001300x800Different size [group s3_CUSTOM_PLATFORM_SIZE]Custom Size [/group]
220-240V, 50Hz100-120V, 60Hz Power Supply on TopPower Supply on Bottom
Control BoxBuilt-in Control Box
with Battery
Top (Mount)
WallCol. 60x120 Built-inColumn 80x80
Bottom (Mount)
Handheld Remote ControlRemote Control with Spiral Wire
WoodConcreteOther [group s5_CUSTOM_STAIR_MATERIAL]Custom Material [/group]
WoodConcreteOther [group s5_CUSTOM_LANDING_MATERIAL]Custom Material [/group]
In case of problems with bulkhead, please attach a sketch.
YesNo [group s5_FULLY_PARTIALLY] Fully or partially? FullyPartially [/group]
YesNo [group s5_OBSTACLES_REMOVED] Will they be removed? YesNo
[group s5_ATTACH_OBSTACLE_SKETCHES] Please attach a sketch that depicts the obstacle(s) [/group] [/group]
The following images are requested: The stairs seen from below, looking up. The stairs seen from above, looking down. The bottom part of the stairs and the floor, seen from the side. The top part of the stairs and the floor, seen from the side.
Distance to first obstruction (mm)
A. What is the vertical height? (mm)
B. What is the horizontal length? (mm)
C. What is the nose-to-nose? (mm)
D. Slope of ground? (degrees)
E. Angle of flight? (degrees)
F. Smallest stair width? (mm)
Net tread
Total vertical height (mm)
Total rise (mm)
Total horizontal length (mm)
Total net tread (mm)
Your total vertical height and horizontal length should match your total rise and total net tread. Total vertical height = total rise Total horizontal length = total net tread
I hereby confirm that the vertical height is equal to the total rise.
Confirm vertical height = total rise
I hereby confirm that the horizontal length is equal to the total net tread.
Confirm horizontal length = total net tread